

This is our introduction of both Postscript and the music of the Galant period, and with Telemann as the central theme, we’ve chosen composers who complement, match or contrast with his style.

  • 88/24
  • 176/24
  • 352/24
  • 352/32
  • Stereo
  • Surround

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About the album

This is an album of music from the Galant era, a term that covers a whole world of sins and rather than try to describe it, we’ve found some of our favourite examples and decided to present them to you here. This is our introduction of both Postscript and the music of the Galant period, and with Telemann as the central theme, we’ve chosen composers who complement, match or contrast with his style. You’ll hear his work throughout the programme, from the dark, ominous Largo of the Quartet that starts the performance to the more dance-like or lyrical pieces that follow.

Tracklist click to play/pause

  • Georg Philipp Telemann

    Quartet No. 2 in E Minor, TWV 43:e3

    1. I. Largo
      3:32 Play button Pause button 3:32
    2. II. Presto
      1:16 Play button Pause button 1:16
    3. III. Cantabile
      1:52 Play button Pause button 1:52
    4. IV. Allegro
      1:59 Play button Pause button 1:59
  • Georg Philipp Telemann

    Concerto in G Minor, TWV 42:g2

    1. I. Largo
      3:10 Play button Pause button 3:10
    2. II. Vivace
      2:36 Play button Pause button 2:36
    3. III. Soave
      2:35 Play button Pause button 2:35
    4. IV. Vivace
      1:53 Play button Pause button 1:53
  • Georg Philipp Telemann

    Fantasia for solo flute in No. 8 in E Minor, TWV 40:9

    1. I. Largo
      2:11 Play button Pause button 2:11
    2. II. Spirituoso
      1:12 Play button Pause button 1:12
    3. III. Allegro
      1:08 Play button Pause button 1:08
  • Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach

    Trio sonata in E Major, Wq. 162

    1. I. Allegretto
      5:48 Play button Pause button 5:48
    2. II. Adagio di molto
      3:48 Play button Pause button 3:48
    3. III. Allegro assai
      3:29 Play button Pause button 3:29
  • Georg Philipp Telemann

    Fantasia for harpsichord No. 1 in D Major, TWV 33:1

    1. I. Allegro
      1:03 Play button Pause button 1:03
    2. II. Adagio
      1:02 Play button Pause button 1:02
    3. III. Allegro
      1:01 Play button Pause button 1:01
  • Georg Philipp Telemann

    Sonata for violoncello and basso continuo in D Major, TWV 41:D6

    1. I. Lento
      1:43 Play button Pause button 1:43
    2. II. Allegro
      2:08 Play button Pause button 2:08
    3. III. Largo
      1:03 Play button Pause button 1:03
    4. IV. Allegro
      1:58 Play button Pause button 1:58
  • Joseph Bodin de Boismortier

    Sonata No. 2 in G Minor, Op. 28

    1. I. Vivace
      1:38 Play button Pause button 1:38
    2. II. Allegro
      1:18 Play button Pause button 1:18
    3. III. Affettuoso
      1:54 Play button Pause button 1:54
    4. IV. Allegro
      1:47 Play button Pause button 1:47
  • Jakob Friedrich Kleinknecht

    Trio sonata in D Major, Op. 2

    1. I. Arioso, ma non troppo adagio
      3:13 Play button Pause button 3:13
    2. II. Molto allegro
      3:43 Play button Pause button 3:43
    3. III. Presto
      3:17 Play button Pause button 3:17

More information

Genre(s) Classical – Baroque (1600-1750)
Artist(s) Postscript
Composer(s) Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel
Boismortier, Joseph Bodin de
Kleinknecht, Jakob Friedrich
Telemann, Georg Philipp
Recording location(s) Lutheran Church, Haarlem (NL)
Recording date(s) August 2019
Cat. No.

TTK 0045

Release date

October 10th, 2019

Additional links

Download Booklet(PDF)

"‘We want to display our full range to you as clearly as possible.’ This is exactly what this album has to offer. But not without the keen ears and state-of-the-art equipment of TRPTK and producer Brendon Heinst. To concur: I don’t know any Baroque music recording better than this one. You’ll have to hear it to believe it."

Aart van der Wal, OpusKlassiek

"The first introduction that Postscript makes possible to this work is of a very pleasant nature."

Jan de Kruijff, Musicalifeiten

"All in all it’s an inspiring voyage of discovery, sublimely recorded by the engineers of the young label TRPTK"

Eddie Vetter, Klassieke Zaken

Further reading

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