Guillaume Meral


As a leading classical Accordion’s composer, Franck Angelis is known worldwide for his challenging, virtuosic and melodic compositions showing all the possibilities and colors of the instrument.

  • 88/24
  • 176/24
  • 352/24
  • 352/32
  • Stereo
  • Surround

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About the album

As a leading classical Accordion’s composer, Franck Angelis is known worldwide for his challenging, virtuosic and melodic compositions showing all the possibilities and colors of the instrument.

Recording an album dedicated to the French composer was something I always wanted to do. As many classical accordionists, I grew up and improve with his compositions. Turning around the piece Impasse, full of intensity, melancholy and anger, I wanted to express and convey all those emotions through my playing giving at possible all the intensity needed in such a piece. The choice and the order of the pieces was thought to make the listener discovering or reassess Angelis world through many different colors.

Tracklist click to play/pause

  • Franck Angelis


    5:27 Play button Pause button 5:27
  • Franck Angelis

    Boîte à Rythme

    4:50 Play button Pause button 4:50
  • Franck Angelis


    4:04 Play button Pause button 4:04
  • Franck Angelis


    1. I. Allegro ritmico
      4:51 Play button Pause button 4:51
    2. II. Andante doloroso
      3:39 Play button Pause button 3:39
    3. III. Adagio sostenuto
      5:02 Play button Pause button 5:02
    4. IV. Vivace
      4:46 Play button Pause button 4:46
  • Franck Angelis


    2:27 Play button Pause button 2:27
  • Sergei Voitenko


    5:29 Play button Pause button 5:29

More information

Genre(s) Classical – Contemporary (> 1920)
Artist(s) Guillaume Meral
Composer(s) Angelis, Franck
Voitenko, Sergei
Recording location(s) TRPTK Studio, Baarn (NL)
Recording date(s) September 2017
Cat. No.

TTK 0013

Release date

February 15th, 2019

Additional links

Download Booklet(PDF)

"Impasse is just as much a test of the skills of the musician and recording engineer as it is a test for the emotional resiliance of the listener. If you thought accordion is not for you, think again! Guillaume Meral will enchant you with his album."

Garmt van der Zel, Beter Beeld & Geluid

"With Impasse, Guillaume Meral delivered a beautiful album, that perfectly fits this time of the year. Exquisite melodies, chosen and performed with the utmost care."

Ben Taffijn, Nieuwe Noten

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